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mould removing

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kitcat25 | 18:48 Fri 23rd Mar 2007 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
what is the best thing to use on mould around the bath and shower on the rubber plastering... I've tried bleach and detox mould and meldew remover but it doesn't shift it. It looks like its grown inside the rubber somehow... please help.


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Get a razor blade and run it along, it'll take a very fine layer off and should leave it as white as new. Razor blades are great things for use on glass, enamel, tiles without scratching.
Never tried it but white vineger in water may work,it seems to do everything else.....according to the experts!
I saw a program on TV that said mix bicarbonate of soda to a paste and leave on the mould.I watched it remove it but I did not see how long it took.

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mould removing

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