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tictactoe | 18:30 Sat 26th Aug 2006 | Home & Garden
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We have a Compact 80e combi-boiler (Glow worm).
The previous tenants had it fitted Nov 2001. Had various problems in the 2 yrs we have been here. Circuit board needed replacing (in fact went again -under guarantee).
After having zone valve correction (we are on two floors) due to 2nd floor not operating under automatic setting.
After that the boiler kept cutting out when running hot water. [Our water is supplied by mains - no tanks at all].
When in winter mode (central heating in operation) the pressure gauge drops frequently. Differing opinion as to the cause, but the most asked Q is "Is the p/g overflow leaking? - Because if it is, that is the cause" Answer each time "NO", but nobody has then said what could be causing this!! I bring it back to 0.7 or higher, but still it drops. Now, in the summer it does not drop so quickly. Meanwhile, this last couple of weeks, ignition is cutting out when running any of the hot taps and on comes the red light. Press the necessary button(s) and keep my fingers crossed.



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