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A Row Of Terraced Cottages

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smurfchops | 18:54 Fri 10th Jan 2025 | Home & Garden
8 Answers

With a low crime rate.  Would the one cottage with a burglar alarm/CCTV on show, be more likely to be burgled, would it seem to have more to steal?  Just a thought .... 



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Yes, that's stopped me getting one, thinking it might advertise values available. I don't know what the answer is, but tend towards installing one.

If I was a burg, I'd avoid the lot. Detached houses are better.

Most thieves are opportunists and are looking for an easy target .... an open window, lights off at night with the curtains open indicating an empty house, mail hanging out of a letterbox at night indicating an empty house.

We have an alarm and 5 cameras and I can assure you, we have nothing more than our neighbours that's worth stealing.  We just want to make our home feel safe and secure, so any potential thieves take one look at our house and carry on walking .....

//so any potential thieves take one look at our house and carry on walking .....//

do you identify lots of potential thieves in your street ?

////  do you identify lots of potential thieves in your street ?  ///


Let me re-phrase my answer:

We just want to make our home feel safe and secure, so hopfully any potential thieves would take one look at our house and carry on walking .....

For peace of mind perhaps get an alarm but not having it on display.

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But isn't an alarm in show, meant to detract burglars?

If I was an opportunistic low-level burglar I would def be looking at houses without any obvious intruder alarms. 

The more professional criminal after £millions in cash & jewellery would be looking at mansions & expect to have to deal with alarms.

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A Row Of Terraced Cottages

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