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Squirrels Digging In Raised Beds...

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divegirl | 15:18 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | Home & Garden
11 Answers

Hey, I'm trying to revamp an area at the back of my garden and my new raised bed keeps getting raided over night, I believe it to be squirrels :/

Will a layer of slate chippings on top of the soil stop them?  It's the only thing I have to hand and seeing as this 'little project' has turned into somewhat of a money pit I am loath to lay out more cash [that I don't have lol].



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I dont know about slate chippings but just wondered if holly branches laid on top of the beds might deter them, they wont want prickled paws ( or bottoms if deterring cats)

What damage is being caused? Are they digging up  plants, or digging up nuts they've stored there for winter? Could it be cats? Or foxes? Or cats?

Squirrels do dig, if it's cats or foxes there will be a lot more mess and faeces.

Try sprinkling black pepper liberally, it's cheap enough 

Have you considered birdshot and looking for recipes on the Net ?

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I only planted the bed last week and have little burrows appearing which means they are uprooting the plants as they go.  I'm assuming it's squirrels and nothing larger as there would be more 'damage'. 

Thank you Rosetta for the holly idea, maybe a combination of that and the slate will work :)

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May try the pepper idea too, thank you barry1010 :)

Diluted white vinegar deters them apparently .

Fix some plastic netting over your raised bed.

Surely slate will inhibit growth in your plants unless you leave gaps and that will rather defeat the purpose. If it's squirrels then I'm not sure holly will help, they seem quite happy in my holly hedge.

If the damage is occurring over night, then it could be something more nocturnal involved.

I wouldn't rule out rats or mice

Rats will leave quite a sizeable hole behind them. 

Field mice on the other hand are sneaky little blighters, who once took 90 of 100 peas I'd planted. 

Squirrels are usually visible during daylight hours as well as being night visitors.

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