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Furnace Thermostat Is Working Fine & Showing Temps Etc,But Not Lighting Up Any Longer.should I Just Replace It?

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FluffyFiasco | 12:31 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Home & Garden
5 Answers

Everything is functioning as normal but the leds for lighting the digits no longer works,tho I can see them in the daylight or if I use a flash light on them.



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I would just leave a little torch near it. 

Hoppy... that could get lost in translation  🤣

To Americans, a torch would likely be a bushy stick that you set light to.  The sort of thing found in zombie movies  😁

Hoppy's  right though. You only need to change it if it's becoming a pain to check it.

Welcome to The Answerbank fluffy.

It might sound a silly question but there isn't a battery which needs replacing is there?

Britain and America are two nations divided by a common language.

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bhg481 this is non battery operated...24vac...THanks  so  much everyone for your quick & amusing answers!..:D....since everything is actually funtioning except the light I will do as Hoppy suggested with a torch/flashlight close by...:D

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Furnace Thermostat Is Working Fine & Showing Temps Etc,But Not Lighting Up Any Longer.should I Just Replace It?

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