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Summerhouse For Growing Stuff?

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DarceyK123 | 23:57 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
4 Answers

Always fancied growing my own tomatoes and strawberries and have been successful this year after buying small plants.

But next year I would hopefully like to grow them from scratch.

I don't have room for a greenhouse but do have a large summerhouse that doesn't get used much especially in the winter,

Could I start them off in there?  What would be the difference to that and a greenhouse as obviously there's not much sun in the winter, spring months.

Any help appreciated.



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The only difference is that people often grow tomatoes in the ground in a greenhouse, but for pots and grow bags it would be pretty similar conditions. 

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Thanks, maydup, yes was thinking pots and grow bags.

You might like to google (Ring culture) Which encompasses both pots and grow bags.

There's a wealth of info out there, good luck. 

I have grown tomatoes outside from plants bought at a garden centre, but one is then very dependent on the weather being kind to get them off to a good start. I tried again, this time from seed, this year; it's going to be touch & go if any get to the fruiting stage, I reckon.


You can grow them in grow bags so I cant see any problem finding a spot in a summer house as long as you monitor, water, and feed as appropriate. Plenty of videos on YouTube with advice on what to keep, what to cut off, etc..  (Other video hosting sites are available.)

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