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Trellis Height

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Theblip | 09:16 Thu 03rd Jun 2021 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
If, as seems to be the case, the height limit on garden fences in the UK is 2 metres, is there a height limit on trellis going on top of that and if so what is it?


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2 metre limit is the limit you can build a fence without planning permission. this is the total height regardless of if it contains solid fencing and trellising. Any height after than should have planning permission.
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When you apply for planning permission for a fence higher than 2 metres, do you have to show a picture of the exact type of fence, or can it be a generic picture of a fence and you choose a type of fence once you know what height you can have it?
Go onto your local council website and find the planning dept. You can apply for pre-planning consent which means in principle they will agree to the erection of a fence higher than standard. The more info you give on the application the better -for instance, the total height, the materials to be used and most importantly the location. Its highly unlikely you will get planning consent for a fence over 2 metres that borders a main road. Should they agree in principle then they will ask you to apply for full planning consent, this will be posted outside your property and anyone affected by the fence, neighbours for example, will be able to voice their opinions. Pre plannning consent costs around £40. Its a lot of bother for a fence to be honest.

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