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I Just Rented A Studio Flat- I Been Given A New Mattress But Has Aggravated My Back Pain

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coooluk | 13:10 Wed 22nd Nov 2017 | Home & Garden
10 Answers
i have just rented a studio apartment - it has one of those built in Metal frame that comes out and becomes like a bed - the mattress is new but not of high quality - I suffered with back pains in past and since i been sleeping on this mattress i can see the pain aggravating the only thing that changed is THIS MATTRESS - i asked the landlord to remove it as its effecting my health and condition - Their reply is You pay for this one to be disposed off and when you leave the property you have to leave a new one - (THIS is A studio apartment so i have no space to store it)- Please let me know how i go around it - I don't want to pay twice once for disposing it off then buying my own one and the leaving a new one for the landlord.


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you can't get around it.
Would a good quality mattress topper solve your problem?
Mattress topper is a good idea. My mattress didn’t really agree with me but a topper solved that.
Possibly put a board under the mattress to stop it sagging and give more support
I'd say definitely get a board for underneath, and a mattress topper, which you can take with you when you move on. Aldi is doing one for £14.99 for a double from tomorrow:
That looks a bit thin.

Mine is like our feather duvet but more's lovely.
A board under the mattress did wonders for me. Never heard of a mattress topper.
You could also buy a cheap duvet, and put that on top of the mattress.
Air bed?
Plenty of mattress toppers available in Dunelm, but they're not all cheap (some cost as much as a new mattress). The added advantage is that you can take it with you when you move on.

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I Just Rented A Studio Flat- I Been Given A New Mattress But Has Aggravated My Back Pain

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