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Dining Table Seats

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boingboing | 18:55 Fri 01st Sep 2017 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
Hello, my brother who passed away a few months ago had a nice set of 4 wooden dining chairs. The seats were originally beige but he decided to stain them black. Is it possible to buy a set of just the bit you plonk yourself down on rather than buy a full set of new chairs. The chair frames are in perfect condition. Looking for a beige, light grey or a preferably a pale lavender colour. I've googled seat mats but all I get is the cushioned ones you tie on which is not what I am after. Not sure what to put in a search engine for this. Width 19" at front narrowing down to 16" at back but then down to 13.5" to fit between rear legs. Hope this makes sense, bit of a longshot I know but any ideas as to where to purchase greatly appreciated. I am slightly resigned to buying new chairs but seems a waste when the frames are in great condition. Thank you!


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A good upholsterer would be able to replace the seats for you. Are there any in your area?
Question Author
Thank you Tilly2 & Woofgang. Will go down diy route. the youtube video was really helpful and easy to follow. If that fails I will try a local upholsterer. Thanks again to you both for your help.
Are the seats removable, as in the video?
Question Author
Hi Tilly, sorry for late response. seats are removable. Going down the You Tube route, done 2 all seems okay. Thanks again for your help.

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