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Rubbish Put In My Skip

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daveygh | 20:39 Fri 13th Jan 2017 | Home & Garden
17 Answers
Just before Christmas I had a large skip delivered to have a mass clear out. Being worried about people throwing their rubbish in my skip I put a tarpaulin over it every night, but because of the foul weather I ended up getting soaked every time I took it off so I have left it off this last week. I got home from work today and found someone had more or less emptied the contents of their shed / garage into the skip but worst of all there was about 10 - 12 industrial sized paint tubs which the skip company has categorically told me not to put paint in otherwise I will be charged for its disposal. The skip being a large 12 yard one cost me near enough £400 to hire. Any idea what I can do?? I can't see the police doing anything about it.


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The Police won't be interested but you could ask the council - it's a sort of fly tipping isn't it so they may be interested (although I doubt it)
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Just put the paint tubs onto the pavement then and the council may be a bit more interested in finding out where they came from
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Have you asked your neighbours if they saw the culprit? Or do you suspect it is one of them?
I agree with divebuddy (unless you have a pretty good idea where the unwanted items came from).
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Dive, my local tip will only take paint in 5l tins but you have leave the lid off and try to dry the paint first. The ones in my skip are 20l tubs and the amount of them would mean me doing several trips in my car.
Lady - i have recognised part of a fence panel that is quite distinctive from a neighbour 2 doors down but i can't prove he put the rest of it in without outright accusing him.
Do you have a neighbour who is a professional decorator?
Surely at least one of your neighbours must have seen who did it? Was it done in daylight? You saved me asking that question Tilly.
you could take him the fence panel and say "I believe this is yours?”
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You're right that the police will not be interested, it's not a crime. ( not fly tipping as skips are meant for disposing of rubbish) I think your stuck with getting rid of the paint yourself.
Don't do as f f has suggested once they are in your skip they are your problem, dump them in the road and it's you the council will be after !
If you have a printer ,print a notice '' Old Stock Help Yourself'' & take the tins of paint to a B & Q car park but don't let anyone see you leave them there.
^^ All the B&Q carparks I know have 24 hr CCTV!
shucks foiled again

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