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Professional paint?

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CatGirl4 | 09:18 Thu 04th Oct 2012 | Interiors
4 Answers
Hello,i don't know if any one can answer this question but here goes-after having a painting job done by a council fella,he left me the remainder.I have exchanged house and thought i would use this+some other left from another job! I didn't like the wallpaper,so a friend of my daughter said he would emulsion over it for me,the paint left by the council chap was brilliant,it covered much better than the other. My question is,where do i buy this from?the tin has been thrown but i know it said Professional paint,i've been to B&Q and Wickes,but no joy. Sorry for long post.


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Probably need to search for "trade paint". Without the can there's not a lot to go on. You could ask the council what they use. Never know, they may be able to say, might even risk doing so.
Brands in B&Q etc with 'trade paint' labels tend to be very dilute - you could do with spending a bit more on a paint with lots of pigment per unit volume so you get the good coverage you describe.
Builders' Merchants, Catgirl...... especially the bigger national chains.
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Hello mosaic,how would i know how much pigment was in a paint,compared to others?

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Professional paint?

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