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Washing Cashmere.

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CatGirl4 | 01:24 Sun 01st Dec 2013 | Interiors
3 Answers
Hello,i couldn't find where to ask this question so,has any one tried to wash clothing made of cashmere?i have won a jumper,only to find that it says special dry clean,do not wash.It's quite a fine one,not thick and wooly,any advice? Thanks for reading this.


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This Telegraph article reports the actual methods and results of washing various items of cashmere clothing:
I would wash it myself in the sink. Cool water (tepid even) and a gentle hand wash detergent (Lakeland do a nice Lavender hand wash liquid) gently squeeze the sweater in the water and give it a really good rinse and add a little fabric conditioner in the final rinse. Squeeze the water out of the sweater, and blot it between a couple of thick towels dry flat (no where near a radiator!) Otherwise it's the dry cleaner! Good luck
Thank you Chris, very useful article. I have washed cashmere in the washing machine myself and it has been fine and your article proves it.

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