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Trees / Bushes

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Pullman | 21:25 Fri 07th Aug 2015 | Gardening
3 Answers
Is there a right or wrong time to drastically prune, a holly tree which is about 20 ft at least,I want to cut down by half and some other tree / bushes which I want to do the same ( don't know what they are). Any advice would be welcome.


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Light pruning in the summer, "drastic" pruning in winter/ early spring when trees/bushes growth is dormant. Good luck.
21:34 Fri 07th Aug 2015
The RHS website indicates that the best time to prune holly is in late winter early spring:

Light pruning in the summer, "drastic" pruning in winter/ early spring when trees/bushes growth is dormant. Good luck.
With the holly, I think mid to late summer would be the ideal time, I did this to mine last year and its looking good now.
Cut the main stems about a foot below what you want the eventual hight to be, then you can trim off the regrowth and allow it to thicken up better.

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Trees / Bushes

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