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Churchill And D-Day

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Sinead_O | 09:12 Thu 06th Jun 2024 | History
25 Answers

Thought today was an appropriate day to share this.




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Commeth the hour commeth the man. Churchill like all British legends before him stepped up when we needed him.
11:26 Thu 06th Jun 2024

Apologies, let's keep on this topic out of respect. I just wanted to correct a famous historical quotation

-- answer removed --

Gulliver, you've been asked, quite rightly, to respect this thread.  Please do it.  And before you ask, I've removed your posts.

brainiac @ 12.37:

//I always think it's amazing Churchill lost the 1945 general election//

He lost because he was a useless peacetime politician, as his record, prior to WW2, shows, and people knew that. He was brilliant for the country during the war, where he was a ruthless leader who knew that when there is war, people get killed and you have to lose a few battles to win the war. 

He also lost because Atlee and Labour were making the right noises. The creation of the NHS was a big thing back then and the Tory attitude of the day was against it. Atlee and the brilliant Bevan presented the NHS as a reward to the people for their sacrifices during the war. That is the only Labour government that I probably would have voted for if I were around. Atlee is still in my list of Top PMs, and I am a tory. I have infinite respect for TGM but as 10cs says, he's a crisis leader, he'd have got bored very quickly of peacetime politics.

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