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Which foods will make my hair more shiny

01:00 Mon 25th Mar 2002 |

A.� Changes in the condition of your hair and problems such as hair loss can be a sign of nutrional deficiencies.

You need to ensure your diet is rich in certain types of vitamins. Make sure you include:

Sweet potatoes - these are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. A lack of vitamin A in the diet can cause hair loss, so it's best to get vitamin A from foods rather than supplements.

Other good sources of beta-carotene include carrots, pumpkins and apricots.

Seafood is rich in zinc. Zinc deficiency can cause dry, brittle hair, a dry flaky scalp and dandruff. Meat and wholegrain cereals also provide good amounts.

Red meat is rich in iron. A lack of iron in the diet can cause abnormal hair loss and the thinning of hair. Wholegrain cereals, fortified breakfast cereals, egg yolks, beans, pulses and dark leafy green vegetables are good sources of iron.

Oil-rich fish, such as mackerel or trout contains omega-3 fatty acids which help keep the scalp in good condition. Lack of essential fatty acids can cause hair to become lifeless.

Yeast extract is rich in B vitamins which help to strengthen the hair. Other good sources of B vitamins include wholegrain cereals and dark leafy vegetables.

Q.� What's the best way to improve my skin

A.� All the beauty experts agree the key to good skin is drinking plenty of water. �Aim to drink around two litres of water a day to clear the toxins from your body. Another way of improving your skin and overall health is to start the day with a glass of warm water containing the juice of half a fresh lemon. Make sure your diet is rich in vitamins and minerals and aim for five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

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By Katharine MacColl

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