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chocolate crunch

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rob06uk | 20:32 Sat 25th Nov 2006 | Food & Drink
2 Answers
does anyone know the recipe to make chocolate crunch?
u used to have it at school with pink custard
very very tasty


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5oz self raising flour, 5oz plain flour, 5oz sugar, 5oz margarine, i egg, 1/2 (half)oz cocoa, splot of vanilla essence.

Melt fat in pan, add vanilla. Mix sugar, cocoa and flour. Add melted fat and beat in egg. Press into greased tin, 1/2 (half)inch thick. brush top with water and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in slow oven for 30mins. Serve with pink custard or chocolate sauce. Yum!!
nicest with mint custard

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