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White Wine Vinegar

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woodchopper | 18:38 Sun 25th Jun 2006 | Food & Drink
2 Answers
I have been using a bottle of White Wine Vinegar in my cupboard - but it has now got something in it since the last time I used it - It looks cloudy/white and is suspended near the bottom of the bottle - anyone know what has happened to it and is it safe to use ?


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Wotcha woodchops - the sediment actually is the residue of the original 'mother vinegar' that started the process.

Best to filter (cheesecloth or coffee filer paper) into a new clean bottle for appearence but the residue is harmless. You can use the residue to make more vinegar by the way rather then buy more . .

If the vinegar smells 'off' then chuck it out.
So it's like yoghurt? Top fact, nickmo!

woodchopper - it's only cheap, so if you're unsure - use it for cleaning!

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