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Salmon Sandwiches

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Vagus | 13:24 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
25 Answers

Whenever I make the above I always put sliced beetroot on them. My mum did too which is probably why I do.

My cousin had never heard of putting beetroot on them, only cucumber. Does anyone else make them like this or am I alone?




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Beetroot is one of the foods I disliked as a child but now absolutely love it.

Salmon with cream cheese is delicious 

I'll have the fish that other folk don't want. Including the smoked versions. 😋

Those who don't like salmon, have you tried Trout? Aldi do very nice Scottish  Trout fillets...2/3.99. A bit milder than salmon.

I like salmon and beetroot, thought only done it with fresh. Cheese and beetroot or  even beetroot on it's own. Love cucumber, I used to take my niece and nephew half a cucumber each when I went to see them (as well as sweets). They don't seem to be as nice as they used to be though.

Fresh salmon for me (never tinned) with watercress or rocket.

I'll have a side dish of the the beetroots, please but must be doused in salt and white pepper.

We also have beetroot roasted - delicious.

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