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Guinness 0%

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piggynose | 16:25 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | Food & Drink
18 Answers

Has anybody on here tried it yet ?

If so what did you think of it?



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I like it. I'm not a fan of 0% beers and wines generally  but tried it recently in a restaurant as I was driving, and each time   it tasted so good I kept checking with them that it was the 0% one. I had 4 pints.

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I´m off to the uk next month, so looking forward to a few pints of the stuff. As I´m not driving i can try both and make a comparison.

Other half reckons it's one of the best 0% beers he's had.

"'s one of the best 0% beers...."

A contradiction in terms. A bit like vegetarian meatballs:*GHS+-+Grocery+-+New*MPX_PMAX_All_OT_Top+Offers_Online+Budget_1011017**305973556*&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwuG1BhCnARIsAFWBUC3gRVaorn6ElA0vU7eiyPH-fBtdX9y-SQGpGwO7JUSDOB4h2d-F8isaAoYyEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds



You mock it if you like. I like it. Whether it's beer or not doesn't matter. I prefer the alcoholic version but if I'm driving it tastes good - I can't drink tonic water etc all night but the 0% Guiness is fine

Good afternoon,

My husband who is a Guinness drinker really likes the 0% version.

Is it significantly cheaper?

My husband says it's the best low alcohol beer on the market.  

It's the same price as Guinness Draught. Costs a lot to remove the alcohol they say.

A good option for drivers.

It's a very decent drink - I've had worse pints of 'real' Guinness (admittedly in some shoddy bars in UK cities) - good for drivers and anyone off the drink for whatever reason.

It can be a useful detox pint in the middle of a long session too.

It's excellent.

"You mock it if you like."

I'm not mocking it, nma. I'm sure it's a fine drink. I just don't like people being misled. I have a particular beef (no pun intended) with vegetarian products describing themselves as meat.

Was just having a conversation a few days ago about alcohol free beers etc.  Someone said that the Guinness one is really good (not that I like Guinness)  I always think these alcohol free drinks are a con though because they charge the same as the alcohol version but there is no duty involved.

Hi there

I too love Guinness and as I now know that there is a 0% one I shall try it and let you know

I have recently tried(new?) 0% Stella Artois and was very impressed by it

These no alcohol drinks are definitely getting better


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23.48 thanx for reminding me. That's also on my list. I've heard good reports about Stella Artois 0 alcohol. 

One thing that puzzles me is why the alcohol version is called Wife Beater !

Yes... not a good name 

Newjudge...who is being misled? 

"Newjudge...who is being misled?"

Anybody who believes they are buying "beer" that contains no alcohol. They are buying a soft drink. 

According to many sites on the net

Stella Artois once had a high alcohol content and as such was linked with drunkenness and domestic violence hence Wife Beater

This is obviously not a name from Stella Artois itself just a sort of urban myth

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Guinness 0%

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