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-SharonA- | 13:48 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | Food & Drink
8 Answers

I am disappointed with the garlic I've got, having just chopped up a couple of cloves there's no smell & I'm sure there will be no taste either.

Do you use fresh garlic or ready chopped in jars??



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Both. Crushing fresh garlic is better than chopping and garlic paste is better than the jarred chopped stuff, imo.

I use fresh. I get it from the greengrocers stall as I think the supermarket bulbs are a bit crap.

I use jars of Extremely Lazy chopped garlic. (and ginger)

I know what you mean.  Supermarket garlic is often flavourless and I don't find the ready chopped much better.  If you have a farm shop or an Asian shop nearby you'll probably find the stuff they sell has much more flavour.

I buy it from my local Asian supermarket

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Well no more Aldi garlic for me! Will be trying out the tubes & jars.

I love my food garlicky!! 😁😁

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And the local ethnic shops.

Fresh. When I can, home grown. But for one reason or another both last year's and this year's crops have been disappointing. (But I think I know the reasons so fingers crossed for next year's.)

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