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Vagus | 19:54 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | Food & Drink
10 Answers

We reverted to Friday fish....scampi, chips and peas, thoroughly enjoyed it.

preceded by a couple of G&Ts in the garden, and followed by a rather lovely magnum type thing by Nui.

We have our four year old grandson coming on Sunday for two weeks so will be two sober weeks for us, no bad thing.

Did you have a fishy Friday? If not, what have you had?.



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The gaffer does, I go with haggis until my loyalty card is full then get the dear stuff too. 😃

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Oh Duggie, you always bring a smile to my does haggis 😋

Spicy white bean stew. Mr U wasn't too keen but ate it as ' alright'. I loved it, it was a new recipe I hadn't tried before.

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Spicy white bean stew sounds right up my street, was it easy?

Yes, very, just fry off a thinly sliced onion and 2 thinly sliced cloves of garlic add harissa to taste and fry for 2 mins, add half litre veg stock and  one and half tins of butter beans drained, squash some to thicken. Simmer for 20 mins, add kale leaves torn to bite size pieces and juice quarter lemon, continue to simmer until leaves are cooked. Keep seasoning with salt and pepper. Serve with crumbled feta.  Serves 2.

I used some cider and veg stock I had in the freezer.


Fishy Friday here...seasoned pan fried cod and a few prawns, courgette fritters...which I've not made before. I had some yellow courgette that need using. A bowl of berries followed. I'll have a glass of red shortly. 

We always do a 'fishy Friday' - nothing religious - it's just nice to know for one day in the week what we are eating.  Tonight was poached salmon, broccoli, asparagus and a packet of garlic-buttered new potatoes. Lovely.



Fish is the one thing I cannot eat, can stomach prawns but that is about it.

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Going to try that ubasses, thanks for posting 👍 Neither of us are fish lovers but can eat scampi, fish fingers, breaded sole, and battered cod. Having Friday fish makes sure we do get to eat something fishy.

I love fish and seafood. There are some exceptions like squid/octopus, but I think I could ge a pescatarian.

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