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Left Over Heavy Syryp

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DuzyEverwork | 13:35 Wed 05th Nov 2014 | Food & Drink
10 Answers
I have just made crystallised ginger and orangettes and now have a couple of jars of gingery orange heavy syrup which I am loath to throw away. Ideas to use it up please?


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mix it into a fruit smoothie with other fruits
Offer it to the I'm A celeb fans, they could use it to jazz up the crocodile penises and kangaroo scrotumns.......

seriously, make a nice sponge and soak it in tyhe syrup..... would make a fantastic winter pud
Make a rumtopf? I had some syrup left over from stem ginger and when I made plum jam, I tipped some of it in the pan to make it more interesting.
Use to zap up a fruit salad, Mix with rum for a hot toddy. Use to poach some pears or plums. Soak it into a layer of sponge cake top with fruit and cream for a lovely dessert. Put some in your christmas cake or pudding.
Stock syrup for cocktails, add a little to your savoury cooking where you would add a touch of sweetness with honey or redcurrant jelly and so on.
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Great answers guys, thank you. Hope some more come along in a minute!!
might be nice on pancakes? like a sort of crepe suzette?

or roast some plums/figs & drizzle over
Next time you serve melon slices as a starter, pour some of the syrup over them. Or do the melon into balls with a special ball-cutter, and serve them in the syrup. It makes melon, a rather dull starter, into something much more interesting.
Or save the syrup until you next make marmalade or marrow-ginger jam, and use it instead of part of the sugar in the recipe.
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Great, thanks everyone.
Bottle it for squash drinks.

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