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Spicey food or not?

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islasmum | 13:53 Tue 26th Jul 2011 | Food & Drink
8 Answers
I have a bit of a problem in that my OH likes his food quite spicey, any food he will add chilli sauce, loves curries etc - the only problem is that I don't any more - I was never into very spicey foods, and since I've had a lot of work on my teeth and mouth, I just can't eat spicey food. He's been good at toning his food down to my taste, but is longing for something hot and spicey, so I thought that I might do a chilli for us both tonght - could someone tell me if it's possible to cook half without chillies - and then add the spices later? As you may be able to tell, I'm not much of a cook! Thanks for any advice.


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I would make yourself a standard mince beef and onion dish, much the same as you do if you make a bologneise, ie. fry onions and mince and add tomato puree, passata or tinned tomatoes and seasoning. Obviously with bologneise you add other things too. But this would be a basic starter. Then divide into two pans. Add to yours what you want and to his add chillies, red kidney beans and cumin along with some italian herbs and garlic. Easy!!
If you simmer gently for an hour or so then all the flavours will be absorbed.
You can serve both yours and his with rice. If you like herbs,then add these to yours and his as well. Worcester sauce is a must in both in my opinion.
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Thank you all very much - I'd better go shopping now!
I'd do what Helen says. Make it to your taste....but I would give him some finely chopped raw chillis to sprinkle on to his own taste.
Add Tabasco sauce to his portion!
Do the two batches as suggested and add some of this to his portion


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Spicey food or not?

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