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The average attention span of a 3 year old

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newtron | 05:53 Tue 27th Nov 2007 | Family & Relationships
6 Answers
What is the average attention span of a three year old girl?


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This really does vary from child to child. For example, some 3 year olds are capable of sitting and watching a whole film without any fuss, others will watch 5 minutes, get bored and lose interest very quick. It is the same with other things such as colouring in pictures, some will finish it, some will do a few scribbles and that is it.
I agree with psychick, but a child's attention is usually held for longer if he or she is interested in something - not just stuck in front of a TV or left to their own devices. When mine were that age, I'd sit with them, either reading or doing something artistic. At this time of the year, we'd make paper chains, draw pictures to put up on the walls or simply play a game together. Interaction with other people keeps them occupied, and if they're learning something in the process, then so much the better.
Hello - I think I might have answered a question you posted about children not settling down at bedtime. As i said on that I think developing good listening and attentional skills in a child of this age is of great importance to subsequent education and life skills. I agree with the person above that attention should just be based on how long they can sit infront of the telly (that's not a very useful skill) but on how long they can stay quietly focussed on colouring in, listening to stories etc. If her attention doesnt seem very good dont give up. keep trying to get her to take an interest in books. maybe going to the library to let her choose. We read ours Harry Potter by candlelight (that might be a bit frightening for her). I think it is an essential skill for when she starts school. You'd be surpised how many children just literally cannot sit still, which is a problem in the classroom. also good attentional skills are necessary for language development. Obvioiusly the book needs to be age appropriate. Some of them have bits the child can join in with which can help but I would recommend avoiding things that are too vigorous and physical otherwise she'll get over-excited and loose her attention. It should be enjoyable for her. I dont know how long in time is normal. I know it is surprigingly low in adults - 20 mins max I've heard, so make sure she gets little breaks in between bursts of concentration. you could offer rewards such as a sticker chart. these can work for all sorts of situations!
all the best
remember reading somewhere its 15 seconds for every year of their life. K.
Question Author
LOL. That means I'm almost up to 10 minutes, unless it actually starts to decrease after a certain age.
ive got a three year old and the trick is keep it interesting otherwise its about 10 seconds lol

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The average attention span of a 3 year old

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