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Question For Abbey

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naomi24 | 17:12 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | Family & Relationships
13 Answers

Have you ever considered going on First Dates?  



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I've been on a few?

the TV program?

Question Author

I meant the television programme.

Oh never seen aldi have to be from where I'm from.

don't think she would pass the interview🙄

Question Author

They usually match people up with those not too far away.  I think it's filmed in Bath.

Question Author

I think she'd have a very good chance, Dave.

*it would 

I can just imagine Fred's facade crumbling accompanied by mutterings of 'you cannot be Sirieix'.

What does "never seen Aldi...". Etc. mean? 

It was meant

"It was meant"....   Abby what are you talking about?  You are not making any sense.  Read before you post please!

Aldi ment to be 'it'

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