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How Do I Tell My Best Friend That I Don’t Like Her Friends?

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Lilalily | 22:59 Fri 01st Dec 2023 | Family & Relationships
2 Answers

So I have a best friend that I've known since 6th grade but she moved away to another state after getting married. I have a few friends left here that she doesn't really approve of so she introduced me to her other two best friends (we went to different high schools) to hang out with because she thinks I need "better people" in my life. But after hanging out with them, I realized that they were very controlling and toxic as friends and I don't want to cut off the people in my life and replace them with these people just because they're approved by my best friend. How do I tell her that I don't like her friends?



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Are these the "friends" who comment about your height?

Does she have any good reason to disapprove of your friends?

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How Do I Tell My Best Friend That I Don’t Like Her Friends?

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