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Private schooling

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york310 | 20:27 Tue 17th Feb 2009 | Parenting
1 Answers
I am looking into enrolling my son into a private pre-school when he is three. He is only 1yr old at the moment and is currently enjoying nursery 2-3 days a week. I pay for this using a salary sacrifice scheme through work which reduces the payment with tax relief. How long can this continue for? Can this go towards helping towards private pre-school/reception class when he's three years old? Are there any other ways to reduce the costs if possible -goverment help etc??


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If what you're using at the mo is the childcare voucher scheme then yes it can continue for private pre-school/reception as long as the school accepts them. Also check if they accept the 15hrs of free nursery care a week you are supposed to get from when they turn 2.

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