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Lloyds Bank Abbreviations

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JuniperEccles | 13:59 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | Business & Finance
9 Answers

Can anyone tell me what P-T represents on Lloyds statements as it isn't on their list.



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Is it a debit or credit item?

It could be a transaction which is in the processing stage.  Your account balance and available balance would show as different amounts in this case.


Pending transaction 

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It's a debit item and was actually in July.  (I know, I should read my statements with more care!)

Could be a pre-authorised transfer

Perplexity AI ( answered your question: P-T on Lloyds Bank statements likely represents a section of merchant or trading names starting with the letters P through T, such as Paypal, Spotify, and Ticketmaster.

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Many thanks, everyone.  I'm still no wiser!

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Lloyds Bank Abbreviations

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