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The Post Office Scandal

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Hymie | 08:47 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | Business & Finance
4 Answers

Courtesy of Private Eye:-

£261 million – Compensation paid to thousands of victims of the Post Office scandal to date.


£257 million – Payments to Post Office lawyers to deal with the scandal over the past 10 years.



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this is oldish ( I knew about it)

and has come up in the inquiry ( DaveX goes mad / went mad when I mentioned it)

of which there are many facets - Paula V lying to MPs ( v v bad apparently, altho god knows they lie to each other often enough ( and us))

No financial control on the case - see above - even when it went over £100m costs

and an odd practice if one lawyer said " you cant do that, it is perjury" they wd just hire another lawyer

post office horizon - compulsive viewing

Anne Chambers, Andy Dunks, Gareth Jenkins, Paula V are a good start...

UCPI - undercover police inquiry where special officers infiltrated leftie groups and er gave the girls babies ( and then ran) is NOT ( compulsive at all)

PP - take your meds & have a lie down....

Hi dave bro - yes I thought it was you that whenever you read 'Post office' screamed - "take some sedatives!", 

I found the oral evidence streamed on U tube compulsive viewing

and  yes they went over : how can you run up a lawyer's bill of £100m, and no one review it?


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