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Commemorative Crowns

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Stargazer | 14:31 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | Business & Finance
6 Answers

does anyone know the value of the various crowns I have collected over the years?



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how would we?

you dont give any details.  One made by faberge with diamonds on might cost a bitmore than a plastic one you bought from poundland

What is the TRUE value of commemorative coins? | Warwick & Warwick (

Some info there ^^.

If you  have a facebook account it may well be worth joining a group that deals with these.  They are often very helpful.

Have a surfing session on eBay to get a rough idea.


Or try one of the many online auction sites (Google them).



ha what an idiot i am :)

If you're talking about 1977 silver jubilee and similar, they're essentially worthless. You'll be lucky to get 20p each for them.

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Commemorative Crowns

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