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Banking On Your Mobile Phone

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Hymie | 14:20 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | Business & Finance
42 Answers

You may not be aware, but crims can steal your phone (out of your hand) in an unlocked state, and then use the banking app on the phone to steal all the money in your bank accounts.

Radio 4’s Money Box programme has been covering this issue for some time.

One of the things they reported was that all who had had money stolen by this method, no longer used mobile banking.

Banking on a full size laptop screen is hard enough to ensure that you have not logged on to a fake website, I’d never use mobile phone banking – which would make it all too easy for crims to take all my money.

I’d advise you do the same, unless you are happy to lose all your money.



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Life suggests to me that I don't trust that. Thin end of the wedge anyway as far as I'm concerned. Too close to bringing Big Brother to us all. Things are insidiously being brought into society already. (e.g. tech that continually listens to you.)

That makes a change - no one usually listens to me! 😁

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Banking On Your Mobile Phone

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