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Change Job Or Stay Put?

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Crimsonmama9110 | 09:14 Wed 22nd Sep 2021 | Jobs & Education
5 Answers
My current job is minimum wage, 20 hours per week over 5 days. I am single mum and the hours fit well around school hours. But my kids are getting older so I have more flexibility now. I love the clients at my job but the management is terrible. I recently been thinking about career options and trying to get reception work. However i don't have a background in reception and am finding it difficult. Also my mum is getting elderly and I care for her on the weekend which makes me feel like I don't get a "day off" hardly. I am looking to work longer days but fewer so 20 hours or so over 3 days so I can care for my mum, have time for myself and maybe do a college course one day a week. I ended up applying for a home care job because it has the caring aspect I enjoy in my current job and is £11 per hour plus says it pays for mileage, gaps and expenses. It seems almost too good to be true. It's a new company (2019) so there isn't many reviews out there but what there is is good. It says it guarantees monthly hours. But I am uncertain if it will be too flexible (all or nothing hours one week) and hard for me to get enough hours to cover my bills plus the time I need for my family. They reassure me I will get a rota and hours but when I had to shadow a person it was extremely difficult communicating with some of the staff (said they text me but I didn't receive anything). Also there is no management. You are in a self regulating team. You get a paid meeting once a week to discuss rotas. I can be flexible but I don't want ALL my hours to be evenings... but again... to get you to take the job I am afraid that they will tell me what I want to hear? So do I take the risk anyways? It could end up being fantastic? Or it is terrible and I gave up a secure job for it???


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shop around for other agencies in your area, there are bound to be more options
A few alarm bells going off for this job.

So many employers are crying out for staff, I think you should look wider.
Keep your job and look for reception work. It may not happen overnight but at least you will have the security of a job you like, while looking for an alternative.
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The posted wanted advice not spam for essay writing services

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