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eve1974 | 19:26 Sat 21st Dec 2019 | Business & Finance
16 Answers
If my electricity per unit is 15.1p and I’ve used 151 units. What is the cost in £s?

Pls don’t laugh my maths is AWFUL. Bad bad !

Pls provide the way u worked it out?


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Multiply 151 by 1.51 and divide by 100 for cost in £s

15.1 x 151
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Thank you !!!! I’m slightly embarrassed to ask lol. I do (genuinely) think I may have dyscalculia.

I got 4% for math at school yet 98% for English
We all have weak points - well I do.
No need to be embarrassed - my friend has the same difficulty (and she has a PhD)
eveI could do it long hand but these days would just use calculator on my phone. Do you need to know long hand method of multiplication?
Remember to include the standing charge - thats a 1-off charge per day

151 × 0.151
Just noticed I put 1.51 instead of 15.1 :-(

Best way to decide what operation to do- think how you you'd work out the cost of 2 units. You'd either add 15.1 and 15.1 to get 30.2 or you'd double 15.1, to get the cost in pence. (I realise though that some people have no concept of what the 0.1 or 0.2 represents.)
Then think what the cost of 3 units would be- you'd either add another 15.1 or you'd multiply 3 x 15.1. For 4 you'd either add another 15.1 or just do 4 x 15.1. When the numbers get bigger multiplication is faster than repeated addition.
Continue like this and for 151 units you'd do 151 x 15.1.

FF, you are lovely!
£22.80, multiply 15.1p by 151.
You will need to add VAT ( I think it's just 5% on energy bills) if it's not included in the unit rate, which would mean a further £1.14
I assume it's the awkward numbers that have thrown you? If it was 10p a unit and you used 4 units I'm sure you'd know the method and the answer without asking.
Use your calculator. Thats what most people do.
A calculator doesn't help though piggynose if one doesn't know whether to add, multiply, subtract, divide etc and which numbers to use or in what order.

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