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Council Tax Arrears

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grandpajoe | 19:46 Wed 12th Jun 2019 | Business & Finance
8 Answers
My grandson and a friend got themselves into arrears with their council tax payments. They no longer live in the accommodation and no longer live near each other. I am trying to help them sort out the problem and am told that the council might accept a lower payment from them than the 1400 quid that they owe. I would pay the debt and then they can pay me back. Has anyone had any experience of dealing with councils about similar situations. What's the lowest offer do you think the council would accept to clear this bad debt??


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They ran up the debt let them pay it.
If you pay it Grandson may pay you back, got my doubts the friend would tbh.
Could you pay half and give council contact details for friend?
The non payment will hang over your grandsons head for a while. I appreciate you want to help him but he needs to grow a set. He just cant walk away and expect you to bail him out.
Councils are unforgiving in this respect. They have no compunction about sending in the bailiffs at the first opportunity.
I'd guess that around £1000 might be the lowest figure that the council would regard as acceptable (if, indeed, they will actually allow any discount). That's because they might end up paying around £400 in collection charges if they have to hassle for the full amount.

I'm not entirely sure that I agree with JD33's statement that "Councils are unforgiving in this respect". While councils are obliged to carry out their statutory duty to collect Council Tax, they do seem to have some leeway. Earlier this year I complained to my local councillor that an error by the council had resulted in them giving me 100% discount on my Council Tax for a full year and then, when they looked at it again, billing me for the full year's tax in one go (with no option then available to stagger my payments). A bit of pressure from the councillor resulted in the council writing off my Council Tax bill for the entire year!
I was about to say the the same. They just want the money and will send in bailiffs. Someone needs to contact them soon and sort out repayment. If they won't speak to you at least make your grandson do it. It won't go away.
Different Councils have different ideas ! Some are very helpful and may!! write off some or even all the debt as in case ! The important point is to talk to them (council) and come to a mutually acceptable agreement ! Tell the council all the circumstances and ask what they would accept!
Also the C A B (Citizens Advice)
are VERY good at this type of problem and may well come up with a better plan than we can think of ! But yes it is normal in situations like this for a council to accept a lower payment (50% ?? )
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Thank you all. Some very helpful stuff. Chris

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