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arwyn | 18:48 Mon 12th Aug 2013 | Weight Loss & Dieting
7 Answers
This has got to be the best diet ever. Mr A, and Son have both lost 2 stone and counting.
They love the fact they can eat so much food and still lose weight. Every other diet they tried was doomed to fail once I said "no that's all your allowed" :-)


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Couldn't agree more - I lost 3.5 stone following this diet.
One of my relatives has lost three stone, eleven pounds since January. Mind you, she is also exercising a great deal.
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jools well done. They're big blokes who need their food, so they're sticking to it because they're never hungry.
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tilly, Mr A is on the go all day with his job, but son changed to a desk job so took up walking to work.
I lost mine without too much extra exercise. Just walked a bit further and it took me longer than Tilly's relatives. Probably about 18 months.
I tend to think the commitment to a group therapy type meeting is the main incentive to stick with it. Most decent weight loss programmes will show you how you can eat a lot of the next to no calorie stuff. My problem has always been that, that stuff is the stuff I don't tend to touch.
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