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Very Very Smelly Feet - help!

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Meg888 | 12:38 Fri 21st May 2010 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
My partner has the most horrendous smelly feet when he removes his shoes. The smell is so bad it wafts all over the house. Even after washing without anything on his feet, the smell returns within about an hour. They used to be bad years ago, but for some reason it stopped. I thought it may have had something to do with him being diagnosed as diabetic (we think he was for a long time before diagnosis) as he also used to sweat a lot, despite wearing clean clothes, bathing regular etc. Once he went on tablets, he saw a lot of changes in his body.

He's been under a lot of stress in a new job lately, and kind of messed his tablets up a little, causing a few problems. Not sure if the smelly feet is one of them. He's now back to the norm with his tablets, but the smell stays! Apart from throwing him & his shoes out - what do you recommend? Thanks in advance!


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Odour Eaters
Has he been treated for athletes foot?
Mycil Cream to the feet and in between the toes and Mycil powder to his feet (after creaming) and to his socks and shoes.
Try soaking feet in warm water with a few drops of Tea Tree Oil. It has quite a strong smell (but a better smell than smelly feet !) and it is an antiseptic. Good for under arms too.
I caught athletes foot in the RAF and had horrible smelly feet for years until a friend told me that the only thing to kill the fungus, which is in the skin, is Boracic Acid Powder.
This can take a long time as it must be sprinkled in the shoes and socks every day until the feet are cured. All shoes and socks must be treated otherwise the fungus is transfered back to the feet the next time they are worn.
Unfortunately, you can no longer buy Boracic Acid Powder but "Borax", the cleaner and water softener contains BAP and works just the same. However, Borax now seems to have vanished off the shop shelves and the last time I wanted some for a relative I had to order a 1KG packet of Borax from the local Pharmacy for £5.00.
To treat the feet with Borax,dissolve a desert spoon of Borax into a bowl of hottish water and soak the feet in this until the water cools down to room temperature.
Do not dry the feet with a towel, just let them dry naturally.
This procedure will ensure that the water penetrates the skin and the Borax can actually deal with the fungus inside the skin.
I found that the cure is almost immediate but the soaking can be repeated when and if required.
One thing I would mention is this:- I have told many friends about this treatment and not one of them has suffered any adverse effects whatsoever from a soaking in Borax but to be on the safe side I would advise that anyone using this treatment does so at their own risk.
It is many years since I last used this treatment and my feet are still free from odour.
I hope this helps as I understand the personal problems involved.
best is not to wear the same pair of shoes every day of the week.he could also try wipeing his feet with surgical spirit

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