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Strange reaction to alcohol.

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hc4361 | 12:24 Thu 07th May 2009 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I'm usually fine with booze but now and again I get a very red face, get a bright red rash on my body and down my left arm and leg. The rash has jagged edges and my skin seems raised. The right arm gets red blotches and the rest of my skin is very pale. I get a cold sweat, my nose and sinuses blocks up and I can't breathe properly. My eyes and nose look swollen. My heart thumps fast and loud in my back, not my chest. My bowels get upset and I feel lightheaded.
This can happen after drinking spirtis, beer or wine but only occasionally. I can drink one bottle of wine one day and be fine, and drink a small glass of the same wine the next day and get this reaction. I am usually fine after a couple of hours, except for being very tired.
What can it be? I haven't had a drink for a few weeks now cos I'm worried about it.


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I have a bad reaction to alcohol because I have IBS, so I dont drink, your symptoms seem quite severe, I have similar symptoms, do you have reactions to coffee or foods?
I know what you mean.. when I drink alcohol I get blurred vision, slur my words and am unsteady on my feet... then get a headache the next morning.....

(sorry.. couldnt resist!!!! ;-)
I get staggers - its incurable so live with it.
hc4361... I'm allergic to alcohol and get many of the symptoms you describe above.

I drink through it ;-)
Alcohol is a poison; why do people act surprised when their body reacts against it? Just don't drink, you'll be glad when your health improves and your wallet fattens!
Toxic shock reaction - too much booze; cut it out!
My friends allergic to alcohol and suffers the same symptoms, but she also has problems with certain creams and cleaning products if they contain alcohol so you should also check them if it is an allergic reaction.

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Strange reaction to alcohol.

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