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How to put on weight

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tdvit | 20:59 Wed 12th May 2004 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
hi there, I have a friend who has lost a lot of weight recently and is looking to gain it all back. The loss in weight is down to a lot of stress and change in his life. He is aware that he needs to put on more weight but what is the best and quickest way? What should his daily diet consist of? please help tdvit


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i lost a lot of weight due to illness last year and my gp prescribed me build up drinks called ENLIVE. they are cartons of drink which are 300 calories in a 240ml carton. you can buy them without a prescription; have a look here -
- they are pricey though ( �2.60 a carton). but they don't taste too bad. or you could try heath food type shops as they often sell weight gain stuff for body builders. other than try eating 6 medium sized balanced meals (protein, carbs and veg) a day rather than 3 larger ones.
Same as tat's answer but a few extra tips...Make up a pint of powdered milk with milk not water & keep in fridge, for normal use. It bumps up the calories without extra bulk.Pour cheese sauce over vegetables with your dinner - loads of calories!! Eat largest meal of the day in the evening - not when you have to get up & work it off again. The hardest thing of all is not to worry about it, I know because I have this problem too, good luck.
drink stella
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