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toilet paper

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Nether Edge | 17:05 Wed 31st Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
Why do women use considerably more than men?
Without being offensive or vulgar, try to explain to me.


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I think we only use alot more toilet paper when its not our own (when we dont have to pay for it) eg: other peoples houses or in public places, you start with one sheet then keep pulling and wrapping it round your hand until you end up with a what looks like a big 'pom pom',

Or maybe thats just me!?

Well, women have front bottoms AND back double the wipe factor ! Juggs runs off rapido hehe... (being a woman 'n' all.....)
Also .. I was always brought up to put some paper down first before you pee .... so you 'don't sound like a cow in a field' !

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toilet paper

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