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tomorrow, monday is the years most depressing day?

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curlyfilm" | 21:41 Sun 21st Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
according to the news, tomorrow is the years most depressing day,
so to combat this i've decided to have the day off work,
i'll have a nice lay in
followed by a leisurely breakfast of tea, prunes,dates and porridge, with a little maple syrup
then, a little jeremy kyle, to laugh at the ferol people, to make me feel my life could be worse
then either an hour, or two of american hot rod, dukes of hazzard or some trashy telly
and off to see me very good mate, and spend a couple of hours drinking tea and smoking, and laughing lots
followed by an afternoon of cycling through the countryside, up all the hills to release loads more endomorphines
and when the better half asks me what ive done at work today (she does'nt know im off) i can be truefull and say nothing

so what are your plans tomorrow?

or just comment on my lack of moral fibre, about not telling, that i'm off, though after the weekend of nagging i've had, you wouldnt blame me............


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fibre sounds good curly!!

Life is what it is and will always bite you in the ****!! seems to for me anyway so just hold on and enjoy the ride :o)

Plans for tomorrow? Carry on as norm :o)
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Coincidentally curly i have tomorrow off, as i have worked all day Saturday and Sunday, but despite being overtired as i stayed up too late last night, i am going to make the most of the day. I don't drink much these days and probably not had more than a half of cider for 2 weeks, but might have a drink tomorrow night if i feel like it.
i have to be up in the morning to run my daughter to the train station for 8.15, then back here to pick my grandson up and run him into school for 8.50, my son and i are then going to tescos for breakfast and then doing a big food shop.
i have to get the car looked at as i had a bump today, well some idiot reversed into me outside work at 10.30 and i think the front on the bonnet is abit damaged, can't really see it in the dark.
we had a huge tree fall down in the storm last Thursday and i have 3 lads coming tomorrow to saw it up and hopefully i can get someone to take it as firewood.
then i have to sort out the insurance on the soffiting damage and the roof tiles that blew off. i go to work in the dark and come home in the dark 5 days a week and so it is good to see things in daylight ! lol
By 3.30 it will be time to collect grandson and then i will be able to have a sit down til daughter gets back to the station about 6pm.
great day off i guess, I will let you know if i feel depressed, if i get time to ponder on it. My next day off is a week on Tuesday and so that is depressing i guess.
Sounds like a good way to spend a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday!!
Sadly for me i'm off to work.
Firstly I have to reprimand two very difficult members of staff for something that happened on Friday after i'd left then I have to shortlist for another member of staff (not to replace any of the two mentioned above) and then I have a lovely meeting to look forward to!!
And when my other half asks what i've done at work i'll also reply with nothing!
Think i'd be better off having the day off as well!
efc!!!!! How come you get to reprimand staff when in my job i am only allowed to appraise and retrain before even thinking of going down the disciplinary route!!!!!!!!
Both myself and Mr Athley don't work on a Monday so we are going to the gym in the morning, followed by a long coffee session and reading the papers then a bit of shopping, lunch, chilling out watching TV, then early dinner and Mr A goes to martial arts and I catch up on my TV.

I like Mondays!!!!!!!!

Opps didn't read MORAL fibre bit! lol

Forgot to add, go to college on Monday's, so no work therefore Mondays are good for me too :o)
Hi Dot - we have to appraise and retrain etc as well but dependant on the circumstances we sometimes have to reprimand! And believe me in this case it's definately a reprimand!
Damn you make me want to phone in sick, doesnt help matters that im on the worst job in the whole workplace tomorow :(
more siblings curly???! lol
I think jan, feb, march, are all depressing months :( roll on spring..........
Endomorphines !!! Endomorphines !!!!


What in the name of Bonaparte's Balls are Endomorphines ?

Stick with the white lightning ;)
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my poor english

the things released when doing exercise that make you feel better.........
First day off for me too

Its already Monday here in beautiful sunny New Zealand. I have a day off coz its a public holiday and Im having a lazy day in the garden reading a book and soaking up the rays. I feel like Im on holiday without the pool!

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tomorrow, monday is the years most depressing day?

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