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Non Binary

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Stableford | 09:07 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
28 Answers

I'm a bit old-school, admittedly, but just trying to wrap my head around why someone identifying as "non-binary" can compete in a women's competition?  Is it because there isn't a "non binary" category, and if so, why have "they" been chosen to compete in the womens rather than the mens?

Is it craziness, or is there actually an explanation?



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Mozz: //  they just play as their birth gender,//

but how can you trust what people say - even a birth certificate is not necessarily 100% foolproof.

Because at the higher levels tests are done.  For doping for a start.

Khandro //but how can you trust what people say - even a birth certificate is not necessarily 100% foolproof//

Well, you can say that about anyone, regardless of how the identify. 

It's all tripe.  These people have everyone pussyfooting around to protect their precious sensibilities from imagined offence.  I'm with Stephen Fry who said something like, 'So you're offended.  So **** what!'  Get over yourselves.

in a binary system where you're either binary, or non binary, a person who identifies as non binary is, um, binary.

Can one identify as deceased and claim one's own life insurance?

How anyone look at themselves in front of a mirror and actually deny what they really are and expect everyone else to go along with it are insane.

dave; //How anyone look at themselves in front of a mirror and actually deny what they really are and expect everyone else to go along with it are insane.//


We all do it    😄

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