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Adhd And Asperger’s My Nephew Very Violent Is This Usual?

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gordiescotland1 | 22:28 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
3 Answers

Hi there

my 17 year old nephew was only diagnosed with ADHD and aspergers are having been diagnosed privately. After school system did not notice it. He is on a low dose of Ritalin however the last few months he has got worse instead of better. He has turned violent he has broken things in the house thousands of pounds of damage. He even hit his mother giving her a black eye she had to lock herself in the bathroom and call the police. They couldn't take any action unless she made a formal complaint. She wasn't willing to do that, more concerning he has no friends and his only contact has been social media and he has been communicating with far right groups. His parents are aware of this now and confiscated all access to IT. He has a basic phone with text and calls only. They are their wits end. I know people who have ADHD and Asperger's who are in no way violent, they have social and communication skill issues but I have never heard of this. His siblings want nothing to do with him. 



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I don't think it is unusual. They should refer to GP for a psychological/psychiatric assessment to get advice on how to manage it.

Some people with these conditions have problems coping with change and uncertainty and don't know how to deal with it.

At 17 he is coping with a lot of changes and having to make major decisions so outbursts are almost inevitable, it's the degree of the anger that may be unusual.

First step is the GP as Toorak says.

There are excellent online support groups that his parents should find useful.  They might find some practical help there 


Good starting point for online support, anyone can join the community forum


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