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Vagus | 19:52 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
10 Answers

I had a hair cut, really, really short (maybe a bit too short) and then put a hair bleach/dye on it when I got home.

OMG, it turned out a bit pink ish, which I really, really, REALLY, don't like, and seemed very short and spikey.

However, today, after washing and conditioning it, and drying it slightly differently, I'm really happy with the outcome. What a difference 24 hours make 🙄 Phew.



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I'll try that
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Ok Hopkirk, good luck 😁😉

I'm due a haircut on Friday - not totally sure abou emulating you.  OH might have a heart attack when I came home....!

Maybe I should try pink then?

I'm really, really pleased you're really really happy with it now! 

Had mine cut today. Just the usual No7, no frills, no washing or conditioning, no drying, no pink stuff and it looks really really good! 😊

Had mine done today, too. Got far too long for this hot weather so had it cut shorter than usual. Much cooler.

I can understand why pink might get on your nerves. But I'd just be happy to have that much head hair !

Hair? Ah - I remember now!

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Can't bear it when my hair gets too long, drives me nuts and makes my head and face itch.

The hair dye/bleach was called frosted blonde and my hair shiuld have turned out totally white not with a pink tinge. It's going whiter by the day though 🧑‍🦳

Really, really, really, really happy now 😁

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