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Help, I Have Done Something Stupid And Am Scared About Sepsis

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Raidergal2022 | 06:00 Fri 13th Jan 2023 | Body & Soul
36 Answers
I tried to pop a blackhead the other day on the end of my nose to not much avail.

Today I noticed a soft bulge as though the spot had developed into a boil

I squeezed and and lots and lots of blood, fluid and a bit of pus came out. I was worried about losing too much blood.

I suddenly developed a bit of a headache on the top of my head after popping it and after googling realised that you are not supposed to pop spots in that area (the nose) as it can lead to further infection and sepsis.

I am worried now and feel sick

I have put some tcp and a plaster on it but I am worried about sepsis


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I'm sure the infection will soon clear up!

I think you found an article that illustrates a worse case scenario.

A little advice. If you have a copy of "Black's Medical Dictionary", dispose of it pronto. Cus if you're anything like my sister, you'll end up a shivering wreck.
Raidergal, you sound somewhat relieved, which is good news. Hope you get sorted soonest. Take care x
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That’s what I thought calmk, ladyGC.

Though I thought at least initiating an antibiotic is better than waiting until tomorrow but maybe not. I am allergic to penicillin (it’s what I have always been told by family anyway).

How long would it take for infection to kick in if it is going to. I’m sure I was born with hyperchondria need to toughen up

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Kuiper - I won’t be reading anymore health stuff I have scared myself with the ‘triangle of death’ ie infection spreading within the nose/brain. I get very psychosomatic
Does your surgery know that you are allergic to penicillin?
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Yes Andres
That's fine then. You could have been prescribed with a penicillin based antibiotic otherwise .
Some years ago I had a similar occurrence on my face. After bursting it I applied TCP and a plaster it all cleared up successfully.

This however is merely (true) anecdotal to cheer you up, and in no way represents qualified medical advice.
Take sqad’s advice. He is a doctor and qualified to give medical advice.
Take sqad’s advice. He is an ENT surgeon and knows about this bit of your body
( chrissakes, doesnt anyone read his posts?)
(it’s what I have always been told by family anyway).
this is extremely unlikely
but perhaps the time to find out is not now

[how do you know your are allergic? "my muvva told me" is hardly cast-iron]
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Peter Pendant - I did read Sqads post. I also took his advice - I am awaiting a call back from a gp for antibiotics
It is believed that only ten percent of those said to have an allergy to penicillin actually have the allergy.

"Six percent of patients registered in general practice in England and 10% of patients in the US have a penicillin allergy label in their electronic health record [1, 2]. For patients who are truly allergic it is important that these records are correct, as this safeguards against serious/deadly consequences of consuming penicillin. Penicillins have been the most common cause of drug-inducted fatal and nonfatal anaphylaxis in the US and UK, but fatalities are still rare [3, 4]. However, it is also estimated that fewer than 10% of people who have a record of penicillin allergy are likely to be truly allergic to penicillins [5] and an increase in mortality has also been associated with having a penicillin allergy record [1]."

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Thanks thecorbyloon

I have just been told I am allergic to it as I developed a rash after taking it when I was a young kid so the doctor put it on my records

Even if I am not allergic I am not sure what my options are ie do I do nothing/assume I am, test it by taking it lol

I have not seen a need to do anything
Plenty of other antibiotics that are no relation to penicillin.
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Just an update, if anyone’s interested. I survived - without antibiotics (they wouldn’t prescribe them and told me to take ibruprofen)

Thanks all
Thank you for the update.

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Help, I Have Done Something Stupid And Am Scared About Sepsis

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