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Fell From Sofa To Carpeted Floor 1 Wk Ago???

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ilovemarkb | 21:55 Thu 11th Nov 2021 | Body & Soul
2 Answers
Ive had hip and back pain since. Called 111 today and had pelvic xray which seemed ok. Doc said probably muscle pain. Im still in so much pain and keep shreeking when moving. Getting in and out the car is excruciating. Feel like I need a poo all the time. Pain bad when going from sit to stand. Once up and walking pain settles. Does this sound muscular or nerve type pain?


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Nasty fall, X-Rays fine, pain settles on exercise......I agree with the Dr, it is almost muscular in origin,

Ibuprofen 400mgms every 4-6 hours and it should start to ease up over the weekend and be fine within a fortnight.
What age range are you in?

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Fell From Sofa To Carpeted Floor 1 Wk Ago???

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