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Pregablin Just Started Today Back And Leg Pain

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gordiescotland1 | 22:11 Thu 18th Feb 2021 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
Hi there. For months I have been having lower back pain. I had an MRI which showed bulging discs. I have been taking cocodamol 30/500mg x8 daily for the pain. Well last few weeks terrible pain in my left leg in thigh. First at rest then walking I spoke to GP on the phone suspects neve pain coming from back. Quite a relief as I thought it was due to diabetes but she has prescribed pregabalin 75mg to take at bedtime for 1 week and then 2 at bedtime the following week. At 5pm I was climbing the wall with the pain so I phoned pharmacy as I had read in leaflet that cocodamol was not advised with it. However he says pregablin is a very low dose and I can continue to take cocodamol until the effects of pregabalin are felt, apparently it takes a few weeks for your body to build up to it. Great !! Anyone had experience of this?


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This is neuropathic pain and romance what I remember from your past postings, you have poorly controlled diabetes.
It is likely that the pain is due to your diabetes, although it doesn't really matter as it clearly is neuropathic.
The doses of Pregabalin are piddling little doses an no good for man or beast.
I agree with the pharmacist in that you should increase the doses of coCodamol to control your pain and phone your GP in the morning, explain the situation and ask if you may double up on the dose of Pregabolin.
Prevailing will take at least one week to kick in and probably longer.
Make sure that your blood sugars are under control.
I have experience of this very thing and was prescribed amitriptyline as well as pain killers.

It goes away eventually, quicker if you do what you're told with exercises and whatnot.
I don't know how you take 8 co-codamol a day. I feel the effect from just one & 2 knocks me for six. Not to mention severe constipation.

Doc has recently given me a low dose of amitriptyline for help with sleeping.
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I had my first dose of Pregabalin on Thursday night and I slept really well the aches and pains have not been as bad today. I am having my diabetic annual MOT on Monday morning so I will see how I have been doing with my HBA1C I suspect not so good as I have been fairly bad during lockdown with my eating and drinking. But I will just have to face it. As I'm going to be 50 next year they are testing PSA for the first time in the blood.

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Pregablin Just Started Today Back And Leg Pain

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