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Mri Scans

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ck1 | 10:18 Wed 30th Sep 2020 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
I'd been unable to get an appointment at the GP to request an MRI scan, so I got one done privately. I have a copy of the images, which have also been sent to the GP, but now can't get an appointment to find out if anything needs doing. Is there such thing as an 'MRI interpretation service' where you can send images for diagnosis?


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yes its called a private consultant appointment.
You should have been given a formal report on the scan findings.

I would get back in touch with your private healthcare provider.
You need to seek out a private consultant radiologist in your area:
ring the lot who did it and ask if a radiological report is incliuded in the price - - I must say I am surprised if the answer is no

and if no then ask if there is anyone who will report it and how much

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