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Optician And Isolation

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Thisoldbird | 10:37 Tue 04th Aug 2020 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
My husband collected his new Specs immediately before he had to go into isolation for serious respiratory health problems.

The specs badly need adjustments, plus one arm is very loose.

I was at the same optician yesterday and witnessed people having to stand around in the street while the adjustments were made half way down the long store..only allowed in for tests and refitted in the street. My husband has little mobility now and cannot stand about while waiting.. is this a general situation with all opticians?
It's as much as I can do to get him there with my own limited mobility..
Most unsatisfactory..


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yes no
my side arm broke off
making me look like a mad professor

so I rang and booked an appt
both sides masked up

and I said I have to lip read - so she backed to 2 m and took mask off

(vision express)
Why don't you give them a ring and explain the situation? They must make special arrangements for people like your husband. He's not alone in having mobility problems by any means.
TOB, you don't have to go to the optician who supplied the specs. Most opticians will adjust your husband's specs at no cost, in my experience. You could do as Naomi has suggested and if no luck try other opticians. I hope you get sorted one way or another.
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Thank you. I never thought of going to another optician..Boots is nearer if I can parked that is.

Naomi I do realise he isn't alone I was asking if anyone had experience since lockdown and how other optician might be coping with it .

Had there been another option I might have relayed it to our optician..

Thanks everyone

I would ring any optician first ... just to ascertain the procedure they're adopting... and even perhaps to make an appointment if that's what you need to do. It'll save you and your husband any unforeseen hassle. Good luck.
This happened to me, and I was able to book an appointment (Boots). Straight in, no problem at all. Specsavers will see people at home, but I'm not sure if that's just for eye tests.

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