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How Bad Do Cataracts Have To Be?

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chrissa1 | 00:09 Fri 22nd Nov 2019 | Body & Soul
27 Answers
At my latest eye test, I was diagnosed with cataracts starting to form in my right eye.

How bad does my sight have to become before I could ask for an operation?

What is the waiting list for said operation? Thanks.


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so you must be bad Jack, heavens.....
"How bad does my sight have to become before I could ask for an operation?"

I like the practical answer of jno 01.16

"What is the waiting list for said operation? "
Private OR NHS?

Buenchico's invaluable website will theoretically answer that question for you.
ok - thanks for answering Jack
I've known many people to have had cataract operations over the years. In this area, at least, it doesn't seem to be about how severely you are affected, but how old you are. At the same time, we had a lady of 92, who waited 18 months for her operation (she said herself, "I think they are hoping I will die soon...) and a 42 year old lady with MS, who waited 3 months.
Had mine done 4 years ago ( referral) the difference vis amazing
I was told last year, and again this year, that I had a cataract forming. No one has said anything about removing it. I can no longer drive in the dark (difficult as I have to pick-up and herd grandsprogs every Monday, so it gets dark and I have to sleep over - leaving Mr. J2 (86) on his own overnight - not happy about it).

Don't get me started on the NHS! This morning I was ringingto complain about yet another cancelled appointment. Too tired now, but I'll may put a thread up about it - it threatens my eyesight and you can't get cross with the tired, harassed lady on the end of the line. The system seems to be in chaos.. coming from experiences in France, I am absolutely appalled at the system. It needs starting again from scratch i.m.o..
It really is pot luck. I've never had an appointment cancelled. When the hospital didn't send me a follow up my GP got quite annoyed and sent them a stern email. I was seen that week.

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