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Hi All Have Had A Hack/ Scab Up My Nose For About 3/4 Weeks

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alinic | 15:48 Thu 13th Jul 2017 | Body & Soul
34 Answers
Don't feel it warrants a doc appointment tried sudcreme etc but won't heal up? Any advice?
Thanks ali


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alinic.....if you do have trouble, ask for neomycin cream for your nose.
14:55 Fri 14th Jul 2017
if you feel it warrants a doc appointment, I'd see the nurse at the surgery.
That's a long time.
Please phone them
oh good grief, insert 'doesn't' where appropriate.
fingers and keyboard ain't working well together today :-D
What's a "hack scab?"
A hack can be a sore crack at the end of the lips, a scab is obviously when something bled and is healing up!
(as if you didn't know!)
I presume it's difficult to tell what it is cos looking up one's pwn nose is a bit problematic lol xx
A 'hack' can men a cut or wound.
They take ages to heal in my experience. What about some germelene (sp)
I presume, what we as children used to call a "bogey"....perhaps.
If that is so and it is large and it smells, then it may need removing with forceps.
No big deal......see your GP.
Are you female and Irish?
Naseptin Nasal Cream, but don't know if you can get it without prescription.
It's not a bogey, Sqad. It's a scab. If you pull it out it makes your eyes water and then just scabs over again.
It would seem that we are giving advice and we don't know what we are talking about.
another normal day on AB sqadlet :-)
I will leave this to the "experts."
Try "Lypsyl". Also, apply to sore finger ends, and cracked skin between toes! Sounds odd but it works!
1st. Step pharmacist.
Savlon does it for me..and DON'T pick !
Just off the phone with former miners leader and lay-noseologist Arthur Scargill who said 'Take it from me, it'll never get better if you picket'.
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Female and Scottish! No smell not a bogey! Just can't heal it.
Think we would all recognise a ' bogey ' :-)
Scabs are almost impossible to not pick!
I'm trying to figure out what sex and nationality have to do with having a hack ;)

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